

护照:您的护照, 由您的国籍国签发, 应该在未来至少六个月内保持有效.  如需更新护照,请与贵国政府联系.

资格证书(I-20或DS-2019):  This certificate is an immigration document that correlates with the particular immigration status you hold.  I-20用于F-1学生和F-2家属.  DS-2019用于J-1交流访问者和J-2家属.  即使在你离开美国之后, you should retain these documents as they serve as an official record of your immigration history.  它们在税收方面也很有用.

签证签证是最常被误解的移民文件. It refers to the stamp in your 护照 that is obtained at the US Embassy or Consulate outside the U.S. The validity of the visa stamp only pertains to the period during which you may use it for admission to the US. 它并没有说明你可以在美国停留多长时间. 在一般情况下, 你可以用过期的签证留在美国,只要你的I-20, DS 2019 and/or I-94 card is still valid and you are still pursuing the objectives of your stay in the US. 另外, 签证章表示允许入境的人数, 通常一个, 两个, 或者M表示多个元素. 

移民身份:  This is gener所有y related to the type of visa you were issued, and is reflected on your I-94 card.  如果你改变你的移民身份, this will be reflected on a new I-94 card that 美国入籍与移民服务局 (see below for more information about 美国入籍与移民服务局) will issue.

表格i - 94这是一份你可以在网上找到的文件 http://i94.cbp.国土Safety部.Administration / I94 / # / home (到达/离开记录). This is a very important document as it indicates the immigration status you are given upon entry to the United States and the length of time you may stay.  大多数学生和交流访问者都得到了“D/S的长度.  This means that you can stay in the US until you complete your program of study as long as your I-20 or DS-2019 is valid.

f - 1学生:  The F-1 classification is used for students pursuing a full course of study at an academic or language institution.  此身份仅用于学习目的.

H-1B临时工: This classification 所有ows a foreign national to work in the US in a “specialty occupation” for a maximum of 6 years. 

J-1交流访问者: J-1级为交流访问学者.  在大学环境中, 此状态用于访问教师, 研究学者, 短期学者, 专家和交换生.

TN:  This classification 所有ows citizens of Canada and Mexico to work in the US in certain occupations specified under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

美国入籍与移民服务局:美国公民及移民服务局, 前身为移民归化局, is the agency that is responsible for the administration of immigration and naturalization adjudication functions.

DOS: Department of State, is in charge of the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program, US Embassies and Consulates.

SEVIS:  Student and Exchange Visitor 信息 System (SEVIS) is a database that schools use to communicate required information to the Department of 首页land 安全 and the DOS.

记录总是 保管好你的移民文件.  这包括保持 所有 i -20和/或ds -2019的复印件,以及其他移民文件.  不要把这些重要的文件扔掉,因为你将来可能会用到它们.

当你在美国时,你必须遵守美国的移民规定. To be “in status” means that you are following 所有 of the guidelines that pertain to your particular status (F-1, H-1B, J-1, 等.). The following guidelines will provide you with a general understanding of some immigration rules. 你不会的, 然而, gain an understanding of the actual procedures which must be followed in order to fulfill your obligations. Consultation with and assistance from the staff of OISS is necessary to comply with 所有 of your immigration responsibilities.


Please be aware that the Department of 首页land 安全 ultimately holds you responsible for maintaining your immigration status. 因此,在做出任何重大决定之前,请咨询CIIP的工作人员.




Be sure that your 护照, I-20, DS-2019 and/or your I-94 remain valid at 所有 times. 换句话说,你应该定期检查过期日期 所有 你的移民文件. 

你的护照应该在未来至少6个月内有效. 如果您需要申请延长您在美国的逗留许可, 请在I-20上的截止日期前至少3到6个月提交申请, DS 2019或I-94卡.



在美国. 在美国境内旅行,请随身携带护照和其他移民文件. 如果你因为任何原因被当局拦下, you may be required to show proof of your permission to temporarily reside in the US. 在新奥尔良地区,把你的文件放在安全的地方,并随身携带副本.

美国以外地区. Visit the CIIP at least 两个 to three weeks 之前 to leaving so that staff may inspect your immigration documents and provide you with any support documents needed to re-enter the US. 如果你有悬而未决的移民申请, 可能需要提前几个月咨询CIIP工作人员的任何计划的旅行.

国家安全出入境登记系统(NSEERS). 一些学生, faculty and staff may have additional immigration obligations during entry and departure. 欲了解更多信息,请联系CIIP工作人员.



Federal regulations require 所有 J-1 exchange visitors and their dependents to carry appropriate medical insurance for the duration of their exchange program. 然而, the university requires 所有 students in F or J status to carry medical insurance. 因此,保险费会自动记入学生的学费账单中.



请通知CIIP 之前 你的工作职责、研究项目、薪水、头衔或工作地点的任何变化. Any significant changes in the terms and conditions under which you were invited to XULA, 会影响你的移民身份吗.



请通知CIIP 之前 换专业, 项目级别, 转学到其他大学, 在另一所大学上课, 从事就业, 或者减少你的课程负担. Such changes will need to be properly annotated in the Student and Exchange Visitor 信息 System (SEVIS).



The US 政府ernment requires 所有 foreign nationals to report a change of address within 10 days of moving to a new location. 根据您的状态,报告要求可以满足以下要求:

J-1交流访问者.  使用CIIP提供的地址变更表通知CIIP. This information is then recorded in the Student and Exchange Visitor 信息 System (SEVIS).





  1. 学位的学生. You must be registered for 12 hours if you are an undergraduate student or 9 hours if you are a graduate student. 你必须保持全日制注册 整个学期.
  2. 非学位的学生. You must be engaged “full-time” in a prescribed course of study as defined by your program sponsor. 在大多数情况下, XULA is your program sponsor and will gener所有y require full-time enrollment as defined above. 其他项目发起人也有类似的要求.


异常. You may be exempt from the full course of study requirement under the following conditions, 其中一些需要事先批准:(1)医疗问题, (2)真正的学术理由, (三)参加非学位课程, (4)参加学术培训, 或者(5)你将在该学期结束前完成所有学位要求.


  • 在CIIP办公室登记:St. 约瑟夫学术资源中心312室
  • 社会安全号码 —您必须尽快申请美国社会安全号码(SSN).  社会安全号是学校支付给你的必要条件.  它还需要维持一个银行账户, 取得驾驶执照和安排公用设施(电话)的连接, 电, 等.)
  • 福利概况 -你是否会被XULA聘用, 在人力资源部门安排福利导向, 位于e世博esball南410室.  This orientation will acquaint you with the various insurance and pension plans available from the university.
  • 健康保险 -所有教职工应持有适当的医疗保险.  然而, exchange visitors are required by federal law to maintain insurance for themselves and their dependents.  因此, the CIIP requires exchange visitors to complete the 医疗保险合规 form available during check-in.
  • 银行 -距离XULA主校区最近的两家银行在下面.  允许学生开立账户 没有 美国社会安全号码,但需要CIIP的银行信.
  • 追逐,  南卡罗尔顿大道3201号
  • 第一资本银行运河街4121号  (运河圣. 和卡罗尔顿大街.)
  • XULA身份证 -你的部门会为你提交一份人事行动表.  这将生成一个XULA ID号. 收到这个号码后,您可以到辅助办公室领取身份证 & 支持服务位于大学中心122G室
  • 路易斯安那州的司机许可证或州身份证明 -为了拿到路易斯安那州的驾照, 你必须同时参加笔试和实考.  你需要有身份证明, 你的社保卡, 路易斯安那州地址证明, 护照, I-94和I-20表格或DS-2019表格.  欲了解更多信息,请致电1-877机动车辆管理局.DMV.LINE或访问他们的网站http://dpsweb.dps.路易斯安那州.政府 / DPSForms.nsf /.
  • 更新您的地址!  
  • You must notify CIIP within 10 days of moving and give us your new street  (physical) address. 这可能不是P.O. 信箱或校园办公室.
  • 您可以使用Banner来更新您的 邮件 address. 这是学校用来发送重要信件的地址. 如果你做不到这一点, 你将不会收到来自大学的重要邮件.
  • 榁 Scholars are also required to notify immigration directly of changes in address using form AR-11 found at www.美国入籍与移民服务局.政府.